顯示第 253 至 264 項結果,共 949 項

“Heal Force” Patient Monitor 12″

PLEASE QUOTE FOR UPDATE PRICE Transport Patient Monitor. 12 inch touchscreen; Embedded handle; Able to use module; 1.6kg of weight; 5 hours of battery life; No-fan design; Multiple interfaces for different departments. 8.4 inch touchscreen; Embedded handle and 1.6kg of weight, easy to carry; Able to use module, anesthetic depth and EtCO2 monitor modules available; 5 hours of battery life, covers the requirement of transfer of patience; Vehicle power supply supported; No-fan design ensures low noise; Multiple interfaces for different departments. End-TidalCO2(EtCo2) is separate parts to purchase

“Heal Force” Vital Sign Monitor

Including: Main Unit SpO2 Fingertip Sensor, ClipType (Adult), Resuable cONNECTION cABLE FOR sPo2 Sensor, Resuable NIBP Hose, Resuable NIBP Cuff with Connector, Resuable, Single Hose, with Bladder, 27-35cm Ear / Forehead Thermometer Battery Power Cord

“HuBDIC” 肌肉電刺激儀

即時短暫性紓緩肌肉疼痛及酸痛 減輕因輕度受傷或過勞而引起的疼痛及酸痛 放鬆僵硬的肌肉 提升肌耐力 促進血液循環 緩解肌肉疼痛和神經痛 緩解末梢神經麻痺 幫助運動後的恢復,消除疲勞 大晶液顯示屏 4種模式供選擇 (點按 / 揉搓 / 按摩 / 自動) 附2枚AAA電池 規格 電池: AAA x 2EA 頻率: 1~1100HZ 能量消耗: 30mA 電池可持續時間: 3個月 (15分鐘/日) 頻率可選級數: 10 級 時間: 5~30分鐘 尺寸 / 重量: 61 x 178 x 19 mm / 135g

“Hygenia藍雀” 無香料潔膚柔濕紙巾(特厚) (35張/包)

每張尺寸:21 x 35cm 75gsm 100%polyester 產品特點: 含蘆薈精華及維他命E 不含酒精、無香料

“JMS” 即棄式針筒連針咀 20cc 21G x 1 1/2″ (ST) 50s/盒

Original price was: $320.00.Current price is: $295.00.
20C211-2F 備註: 新加坡牌子,台灣製造 (實際容量或與圖不同)