顯示第 289 至 300 項結果,共 943 項

“Livingstone” 不銹鋼手術刀手柄 (No.3)

特點:-適合10至15號刀片 -只有23克 -不銹鋼

“Livingstone” 化妝棉 (80片/盒)

尺寸:2" x 2.5"(正方型) 特點:100%純棉

“Livingstone” 圓點膠布 (100塊/盒)

尺寸:22.5mm(直徑) 特點:-不黏傷口 -柔軟護墊 -透氣

“Livingstone” 彈性筒形繃帶 (10M) (10cm)

特點:-透氣 -適合治療: -扭傷 -一般水腫 -軟組織 -關節損傷 -燒傷後受傷疤痕

“Livingstone” 成人型矽膠復甦器 (可重複使用)

Size:37x15x28cm With Pop-off, Mask and Reservoir Bag, Each Resuscitator with ergonomic design for use in emergency and hospital setting. Highly transparent and sensitive resuscitator bag provides better feedback of patient condition. It also has a soft silicone resuscitator bag with slip-free surface texture and fast self-inflate rate. The whole set is reusable except the reservoir bag. Silicone Adult Resuscitator PSF, autoclavable up to 134°C or 273°F. 1500ml